The Tampa Bay area’s real estate is so hot right now. Zillow ranks Tampa No. 10 in the nation among the hottest housing markets of 2024.
But with the heat, comes fire. A recent report by online real estate marketplace Point2Homes asked + answered an intriguing question: How long has it taken for house prices to double across the US? Here’s the info for Tampa Bay:
- Tampa ranked No. 3 in the report, meaning it was the third-fastest city to double its average home price. Homes are twice as expensive in the Cigar City as they were six years ago, with the average now sat at $430,000, according to TBBJ. That amount could land you a charming spot in the Heights like this one.
- Across the Gandy Bridge, St. Pete is not far behind, ranking No. 8 in the US with a 6.6-year doubling time span. The Burg’s average price is slightly lower, with the average home coming in at $376,000. That’s enough for a spot like this Disston Heights home.