Pop quiz, LAL: What makes a business successful?
- Product quality
- Customer satisfaction
- Service
- Cutting innovation
- Marketing tactics
- The people
While all of these apply, for one Tampa Bay business owner, “Success is all about people helping people.”
Derrick Roberts, owner of Stan Weaver and Company — the premier manufacturers’ representative for HVAC products in Florida — pushes this belief into everything he does.
Roberts’ journey from a young, ambitious newcomer in the HVAC industry to being the proud owner of a thriving business is a testament to the power of collaboration and trust.
“Our success is about our people,” Roberts emphasized. “I have a tremendous team and they get out and spread the word and talk about, you know, our company and what we offer as a service. People buy things not because of the cheap price of the product, but because it’s the service that you give, knowing that we’ll be there at the end of the day.”
Growing success through the people around you doesn’t stop at your clients or team — but those you work with as well.
Keep reading to hear about the other business decisions Roberts has made to get him where he is today.