Tampa Bay stays lit all year long as the cigar-making industry continues to thrive. Ybor City – also known as Cigar City – has been a staple for cigar craftsmanship, where visitors from all over the world have come to shop from expert vendors in the area.
History of cigar making 📜
Cigar-making exploded in the early 1900s when Cubans migrated to the Tampa Bay area. Ybor City became home to the world’s largest cigar factory, Regensburg Cigar Factory — or El Reloj — in 1895.
At its peak, the cigar industry in Ybor/Tampa Bay had approximately up to 10,000 residents rolling cigars in around 200 cigar factories.
Where to shop 🛒
Whether you’re interested in gifting a stogie or a few belvederes, there is a wide variety of shopping options in the Tampa Bay/Ybor Historic areas.
J.C. Newman Cigar Company, 2701 North 16th St. | Known as America’s oldest premium cigar maker, this family-owned business hosts tours of 112-year-old El Reloj cigar factory. They’re best known for their exclusive Brick House, Diamond Crown, Quorum, and Perla del Mar Cigars. Stop by the factory story to shop cigars and merchandise after your tour.
Cigar Paradise, 400 Beach Drive N.E. STE 142, St. Petersburg | Inspired by Cuban tradition, this upscale lounge offers handcrafted cigars paired with unique cocktails. With a selection of over 500 diverse options, these master cigar rollers present a sophisticated, relaxing experience.
Tabanero Cigars, 1601 E. 7th Ave. | Rolling since 2007, these cigar connoisseurs pride themselves in offering high quality, entry-level, medium bodied, and full bodied cigars. Available in-store or online for purchase, their collection includes Corona, Big Torpedo, and Robusto.
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