The Tampa Bay area is a great place to own a boat. Whether it’s Bay waters, sand keys, or the Intracoastal Waterway, thousands of TBAY locals will pile into boats during Memorial Day weekend.
Sorry to be the adult in the room, but we’re here to give you some boating safety pointers:
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission recommends:
- Wear a life jacket. A reported 50% of boating deaths are the result of drowning.
- Drive sober. Boating under the influence can lead to felony charges, and ~25% of boating accidents are alcohol- or drug-related.
- Keep an eye on the forecast. That could really rain on your parade.
Let’s keep wildlife in mind, too. Save the Manatee Club recently called for boaters to watch out for sea cows. They are often found in the shallowest parts the water. It might sound obvious, but obeying speed zone signs is a good idea.
Oh, and wear sunscreen.