The colors of Tampa Bay, FL

What colors represent Tampa Bay to you?

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We live in such a vibrant area.

Graphic via TBAYtoday

Hey, TBAY.

When we saw this print from 904 Paper Co., we couldn’t help but think, what are the colors of Tampa Bay? When you think of TBAY, what are the images, landmarks, and attractions that come to mind?

Here’s our nine:

St. Pete Sunset

This video of St. Pete beach drenched in a sea of deep orange keeps us up at night.

The Bay

This list wouldn’t be complete without the color of our world-famous waters .


Remember when Tampa International Airport installed that giant pink flamingo and named it Phoebe? We do.

The Serengeti Flyer

Busch Garden’s all-new screamin’ swing ride carries riders through the sky at 68 miles per hour.


We have a handful of iconic teams here in TBAY — but perhaps none more iconic than our 2020 and 2021 Stanley Cup Winners .

TECO Streetcar

The TECO Streetcar has been driving riders around for the last 21 years. Recently, it upped its service frequency to every 12 minutes.


Our local area mascot is a toss-up between the manatee and the dolphin (this color works for both)


You can’t have one of TBAY’s most iconic sandwiches without a couple of slices of pickles.


We’re talking about those “Happiness ” stickers all over St. Pete.

What are the landmarks and attractions that you think make this area such a vibrant place to live? What colors are they? Let us know .

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